Monday, October 20, 2008

Who else is out there?

Hello again!

I know, I know, this is a guiding blog and it should help you find your perfect costume. Well, today, we will keep going different ways, meaning: I have done some research! I am a first time blogger (as some of you may have noticed already) and I have no idea if I am doing this right, not sure if there even is a right or wrong. So, I went online to check my competition (I don't think my blog is able to compete much but I like the word competition better than "other blogs out there or so").

I found a Halloween costume guide, read all its posts and found myself wondering about the most recent one.

In this post, Christopher said:

"All you really need is some creativity, a friend you can borrow something from, a closet full of clothes and easy access to a thrift shop."


I recognize some of my points in here (in fact, point five, seven and nine) and I know that there are other blogs out there vowing that it is easy and great to get a non-ready-made costume. I could not agree more! But something is wrong here!
If we, as Halloween bloggers or whatever you want to call us, agree on getting a better costume if we come up with it ourselves, then why do I still see most people in costume from these gigantic stores that only open up once a year? Why do I annually bump into three spidermen, five witches and countless angels that all look like clones of each other?
I think, there are only two solutions to this problem.
Number one: People do not care!
Number two: People are too busy!
So, for number one, I say: If you dress up, do it right! If you do not care, it is probably best if you stay in. I’m just one of these persons that like to do things right or not at all. People with some uncreative Halloween costumes just seem somewhat half-hearted to me. No apologies to those who fall into category but my deepest sympathy. You miss out on all the fun of putting costumes together and score compliments for originality afterwards!
People who fall into category two, I really do feel sorry for! They probably want to get something awesome but just do not have the time to put something together or –if they don’t know how- do not have the time to read guiding blogs. Who knows!? I just hope that some Halloween, they actually have some time to create an awesome self-made costume. I keep my fingers crossed for you folks out there!
I have to admit that even though my competition and I seem to be more similar than I thought we would be, I am glad to see that we hit in the same hole (and if nobody understands this analogy, consider it a German one meaning that several people have the same goal). I do not have to be the first blogger to convince people to self-made costumes and if I did, I had started blogging before this class project.

Happy Halloween!


1 comment:

Bianca.Samantha said...

Unfortunately I fall under category two! This year has been so busy and hectic with school, putting together a cute and fun halloween costume is low on my agenda. My friends and I have barely even decided what we are gonna do for Halloween yet so I will have to run out and buy some packaged costume from the Spirit store. Hah i promise though, no witch or angel!